Chuck Williams

in Van Buren County, Michigan



So what's new? Contact me: aroundvanburen (a) or 621~5359.

Hi there I'm Chuck Williams and I toil at internet projects in Van Buren County, Michigan.

  • Using Linux, Apple, and Microsoft
  • Working in a fistful of social media
  • Being a techie and content creator

Content Creator

write, edit, photo, video

In Social Media

Like Bluesky, Youtube, Meta, etc

Writing and Editing

Using human intelligence

Photography and Video

Point and click ;)

In Southwest Michigan

Van Buren County

Free video shorts/reels/stories

About your work in #permaculture #sustainable #organic #csa #farming and #gardening. Just contact me to get started.

From the southwest corner of Michigan come the mighty Van Burenites! Seekers of wisdom and striving for excellence in all they say and do. Forever learning, forever soaring higher. Their thoughts on fire, their hearts set free.


Practice is important


geeks only

My photography and video are shot using Canon Rebel and Apple iPhone and I do post-processing in Gimp and Kdenlive.

I use the command line interface for writing and editing.

In social media, of course, I'm captive to Meta and Youtube.

Find Me

Social media and website

Follow my "Around Van Buren" posts on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Bluesky, and Youtube.

My Facebook page, the one with the beach volleyball photo, has 3,500 followers. You're invited to follow it too.

You're reading my website,, right now.

Meet up locally? Just contact me.

- Chuck Williams